11 Most Popular Anthurium Species – Are They Really Worth the Hype?

Are you an Anthurium lover? If so, then you’re in for a ride. We’ll be looking at some of the most popular Anthurium species.

Anthuriums, often seen as the reigning royalty of the plant kingdom, have garnered a significant fan base among plant lovers thanks to their stunning dark green foliage and unique forms.

From heart-shaped to belt-like leaves, these popular anthurium varieties offer an unmatched spectacle of nature’s artistry.

Are they really worth the hype, or are they merely green leaves masquerading as something more than just tropical plants?

Prepare for a journey into the heart of plant beauty. Let’s dive in.

Anthurium Warocqueanum

anthurium warocqueanum care

One of the most popular anthurium species, Anthurium warocqueanum, undoubtedly tops many plant parents’ wishlists due to its stunning dark green foliage. And for good reason.

Also known as Queen Anthurium, this tropical plant boasts elongated, velvet-textured leaves, growing up to six feet long, instantly transforming any space into a verdant retreat.

A native of Colombia’s rainforests, the warocq is admittedly a diva, known to wilt under less than optimal conditions and often demanding a king’s ransom due to its dramatic foliage.

Its rarity in the plant market often results in a significant price tag, contributing to its allure. I

f you’re ready for a roller coaster ride that promises a jungle’s worth of reward, it’s time you courted the Queen Anthurium.

Worth the hype? Definitely!

Read Next: Anthurium Warocqueanum – What They Don’t Tell You About the Queen Anthurium Care

Anthurium Clarinervium

clarinervium velvet cardboard anthurium

Anthurium clarinervium, with its velvety and rigid dark-green heart-shaped leaves adorned by striking white veins, has earned its nickname as the “velvet cardboard” anthurium.

Not only is this tropical houseplant a stunning showpiece in any interior design, but it also thrives with minimal care, making it an ideal companion for both seasoned and novice plant lovers.

Anthurium clarinervium’s charm lies not just in its exquisite leaf structure but also in its adaptability to average humidity and lower light levels.

So, whether you are looking to expand your indoor jungle or simply seeking an undemanding yet gorgeous plant, Anthurium clarinervium is an ideal choice that brings the allure of the tropical rainforest to your home.

Read Next: Anthurium Clarinervium Care – Tips to Grow the Velvet Cardboard Anthurium Well

Anthurium Crystallinum

anthurium crystallinum velvet

With a dazzling display of velvet leaves that shimmer like crystals in the light, Anthurium crystallinum has captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts around the world.

Native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, this popular member of the Araceae family, affectionately known as Crystal Anthurium, is surprisingly easy to care for.

Perhaps most intriguing about the Anthurium crystallinum are the differences in leaf appearance based on its geographic origin, raising interesting questions about possible hybrid variants.

Whether grown under grow lights or nestled near a window, the adaptability of Anthurium crystallinum allows it to flourish under various light conditions, making it a delightful addition to any indoor jungle.

Read Next: Anthurium Crystallinum Care: A Complete Guide to Growing the Velvet Leaf Anthurium

Anthurium Veitchii

anthurium veitchii king anthurium

Regarded as the reigning monarch in the kingdom of aroids, Anthurium Veitchii, or King Anthurium, is an object of desire for many collectors and enthusiasts, and it’s not hard to see why.

This tropical plant is recognized for its elongated, heavily corrugated leaves that are a vibrant shade of green.

With the right care and environment, Anthurium veitchii leaves can reach an impressive length of 4 to 6 feet.

While its white spadix may not command attention, the King’s majesty lies in its uniquely ‘ribbed’ foliage. Despite the inherent variations due to environmental conditions, the King Anthurium, whether in wide or narrow form, consistently stands out in its regal splendor.

For those looking to add a distinctive, tropical touch to their indoor plant collection but without the fussiness of Queen Anthurium, King Anthurium is truly worth the investment.

Read Next: King Anthurium Veitchii: Royal Care Guide

Anthurium Forgetii

anthurium forgetii

Anthurium forgetii has emerged as a very popular anthurium among aroid enthusiasts for its distinct lack of leaf sinus, a characteristic upper leaf lobe feature prevalent in other species, giving it a unique teardrop shape.

Native to Colombia’s rainforests, this velvet-leafed beauty, with dark-green, shimmery foliage marked by sparkling silver veins, brings an exotic allure to indoor plant collections.

Among the Anthurium genus, the forgetii’s fast-growing nature and ability to thrive in bright light make it an appealing, low-maintenance choice. One of its quirkiest attributes is a pleasantly scented inflorescence, a rarity among its kin, further heightening its charm.

Whether in its naturally dark form or the striking white stripes variant, Anthurium forgetii’s unique blend of aesthetics and ease of care make it a popular choice for plant enthusiasts.

Read Next: Anthurium Forgetii Care, Propagation, and the Coolest Hybrids

Anthurium Magnificum

anthurium magnificum

Anthurium magnificum’s dark green leaves steal the show and are why it’s one of my favorite anthurium species.

The velvet leaves that can grow to massive sizes make them one of the most popular anthurium species today.

Anthurium magnificum owes its particular charm to its rare squarish petioles, a stark difference from the round petioles found in other species.

Despite the plant’s captivating aesthetics, caring for it requires a delicate balance of bright, indirect light and a chunky, well-draining soil mix to prevent root rot.

In the captivating world of indoor plants, this tropical beauty is certainly securing its spot as a favorite.

Read Next: Anthurium Magnificum Care: How to Grow Anthurium Indoors

Anthurium Regale

anthurium regale

Epitomizing tropical grandeur, Anthurium regale has emerged as a highly sought-after houseplant for its symmetrical, velvet-textured, silver-veined leaves that can grow up to a staggering two meters.

However, its aesthetic allure belies a challenging cultivation process. The species is renowned for its struggle to maintain more than a single leaf when grown indoors, coupled with a slower growth rate compared to other plants.

More sensitive to environmental changes than its cousins, the Anthurium magnificum, it demands meticulous care.

It thrives in high humidity, lower light conditions and requires porous, quick-draining potting media. These high-maintenance needs and rarity contribute to the plant’s hefty price tag.

Nevertheless, the stunning new leaves that eventually sprout are a reward for the patient and diligent plant parent, making Anthurium regale an irresistible trophy for the seasoned plant collector.

Read Next: Anthurium Regale Care

Anthurium Andraeanum, aka Flamingo Flower

anthurium andraeanum black

Flamingo Flower, or Anthurium andraeanum, is an enchanting spectacle for plant lovers, revered for its lustrous, plastic-like spathes that span a dazzling spectrum from vibrant reds to corals and variegated hues.

With nicknames like “wax flower” and the Spanish moniker “Cresta de Gallo” or “cockscomb,” it’s no wonder this tropical species is so popular. While other anthuriums may offer visual intrigue, the Flamingo flower commands attention, making it an unmissable addition to any plant collection.

Its extensive cultivation has spurred a wealth of knowledge on its care, offering a gateway to understanding the anthurium genus. This captivating diversity, coupled with its widespread availability, marks the Flamingo Flower as an alluring and accessible choice for enthusiasts.

Read Next: Flamingo Flowers: Care and Little-Known Facts about Anthurium Andraeanum

Anthurium Radicans x Luxurians

anthurium radicans x luxurians new leaf hardening

While technically this is a hybrid, not a true species, Anthurium radicans x luxurians made the list of the most popular anthuriums due to its unusual looks and, frankly, because of a lower price than its parent, Anthurium luxurians.

As if frozen in prehistoric time, its leaves bring a dinosaur-like aesthetic to your indoor jungle, possessing a unique, blistered texture akin to bullate, thick and resilient. Unlike the creeper nature of the pure Anthurium radicans, this hybrid maintains a contained, non-vining growth pattern.

New leaves first emerge in an enchanting copper-orange tone, maturing into a deep, luscious dark green. Interestingly, the rough texture not only heightens its visual appeal but serves an important functional purpose, too, allowing for greater light capture and quick drainage, emulating its natural tropical rainforest habitat.

Be prepared for some propagation challenges, as the sterility of this hybrid means viable seeds won’t be produced, leaving stem division as the primary method for propagation.

Anthurium Vittarifolium

anthurium vittarifolium

The strap leaf anthuriums, or pendent anthuriums, are veritable show-stoppers, transforming any setting into a slice of the tropical rainforest with their belt-like foliage.

While not the most striking, the most accessible in this type of anthurium is Anthurium vittarifolium.

This Colombian native is marked by its deep, dark green leaves that stretch up to 2 meters in length. Despite its exotic origins, this anthurium is an easy, forgiving choice for indoor gardeners, continuously pushing new, long leaves under the right conditions.

Its penchant for self-pollination and the easy germination of its pinkish-red seeds only add to its allure, rounding out its appeal as a statement plant. Whether adorning a shelf or dangling from a hanging basket, these pendent anthuriums never fail to impress, cementing their status as must-haves for plant enthusiasts.

Read Next: Anthurium Vittarifolium and Other Strap Leaf Anthuriums

Anthurium Pallidiflorum

anthurium pallidiflorum strap leaf
After a repot, the new leaf sized up substantially.

Anthurium pallidiflorum is another strap leaf anthurium worth collecting. Distinguishing between Anthurium vittarifolium and the subtly alluring Anthurium pallidiflorum can be a delightful exercise in botanical nuance for the avid plant enthusiast.

The pallidiflorum’s rounded leaf sinus sets it apart from the acute sinus of the vittarifolium. But what really cements Anthurium pallidiflorum’s popularity among aficionados is its relative rarity and the elegant pendant form of its leaves.

An easy grower, this Anthurium does demand slightly more frequent watering than its vittarifolium counterpart, but the reward is a consistent display of new leaves, each adding to the unique charm of this tropical treasure.

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In the vibrant world of anthurium plants, every species has its charm. These 11 most popular anthurium species, with their dramatic foliage, clearly justify their hype. They prove that in the realm of tropical plants, beauty truly lies in diversity.

So, whether you’re an experienced collector or just starting your journey into the lush world of anthurium varieties, these captivating species are a testament to nature’s artistry.

Don’t hesitate to make room in your home and your heart for these leafy wonders. Happy planting!