Top black anthuriums you’ll want after reading this.
Are you looking for some dark and dramatic addition to your plant collection? Then black anthuriums may be just what you need!
In this blog, we’ll cover some of the coolest black anthuriums. So if you’re ready to add some drama to your home, keep reading!

Is there a black anthurium?
Yes! There are black anthurium varieties that a houseplant enthusiast would want to collect. Black anthuriums are usually referred to anthuriums that have dark, burgundy, or almost black leaves or anthuriums that have black ‘flowers’ or rather spathes, large sheathing bracts enclosing the spadix of aroids.
There are also ‘black’ anthuriums that have ‘black’ only in name, while the plant is entirely green.
That said, let’s take a look at some of the more interesting black anthurium types.

Black Anthurium varieties for an instant drama
There are over 1000 anthurium species that are discovered, and invariably a small percentage of them come in black.
Let’s start with one of the most commonly available anthurium but uncommon in appearance!

Anthurium andreanum is probably the most common anthurium available in cultivation, and very likely you can pick it up in your local plant store. And so, it should not be surprising that it also has a black cultivar – Anthurium ‘Black Beauty’.
Anthurium ‘Black Beauty’ emerging leaves are deep burgundy that, in a certain light, look black. As the leaves mature, they transition into very dark green. The ‘flowers’ are dark chocolate color making it an instant statement piece.

The stunning Anthurium ‘Black Magic’ is a hybrid of an Anthurium dressleri and Anthurium luxurians created by Jay Vannini, a well-known breeder and grower of aroids.
Fun fact: The true name ‘Black Magic’ is only given to the offspring plants crossed by Jay Vannini. The rest of the plants that didn’t come from the original plant parents are just called Anthurium dressleri x luxurians hybrids.

Anthurium ‘Queen of Hearts’ is a hybrid of unknown parentage. But it has quite an interesting history!
According to William Rotolante, a renowned aroid grower and owner of the Silver Krome Gardens nursery, the Anthurium Queen of Hearts is a tissue culture mistake that popped up in a tray of other anthuriums. And so the origins of this beautiful hybrid are unknown, however, a good guess would be a cross of Anthurium Ace of Spades and Anthurium Red Leaf.

This Anthurium magnificum x luxurians hybrid has almost black leaves. The heart-shaped leaves of magnificum combined with the pebbled-like texture of Anthurium luxurians are perfection. If the common Anthurium andraeanum varieties are not your scene, consider adding this amazing cross to your collection.

Anthurium ‘Black Love’ and Anthurium ‘Black Queen’ are commercial cultivars produced by Dummen Orange, an ornamental plant breeding company in the Netherlands. The leaves are elongated and heart-shaped, and the flowers are almost pitch black. A very easy anthurium to grow, unlike some other anthurium varieties like Anthurium warocqueanum.

Anthurium ‘Black Dragon’ is a hybrid with one of the parents most likely Anthurium hookeri, and thus its signature bird nest look. The dark green & purple leaves are long and wavy. The internodes are very short, and the leaves emerge from the base and grow outwards, creating the characteristic bird’s nest look. The new leaves are light green that transforms into deep dark green as they harden off.

I bet Anthurium calense did not cross your mind when you thought about black anthurium varieties. Yet, this stunning anthurium sports one of the darkest emerging leaves I’ve seen.
The new leaves are black, thick and glossy. The rubbery leaves turn dark green upon reaching full size. It isn’t easy to find, but it is not as popular as a dressleri or moodeanum and the price reflects.
How Do You Take Care of Black Anthurium?
You might be wondering if there are any special requirements when it comes to black anthurium care. Well, based on the lower level of chlorophyll present in the leaves, it may not need as much light as the greener anthuriums. But it still needs light to photosynthesize, so don’t put it in a dark corner.
I treat my black anthuriums just like other anthuriums, bright indirect light, weekly fertilizer, and a well-draining potting mix are key.
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